How to Clean Up After a Major Renovation Project

How to Clean Up After a Major Renovation Project

Are you overwhelmed by the mess left behind from your recent home renovation project? Cleaning up after such a project can be an arduous task, but with the right tips and tricks, you can turn your home back into its pre-renovation glory quickly and easily.

Let’s get started!

Assess the Scope of the Cleanup

After a major renovation project, it is important to take the time to assess the scope of the cleanup. This includes looking at the entire project area and logging every type of debris removal job that needs to be done. Depending on the nature of your renovation project, you may need tasks such as drywall and carpet removal, insulation or woodwork demolition or other specialty services.

Once you have determined what needs to be done, it will be easier to plan out an effective cleanup timeline. Prioritize areas that require immediate attention. These can include repair any issues with plumbing or electricity, painting walls and ceilings, installing fixtures or furniture and cleaning up hazardous materials such as lead-based paint chips or asbestos dust. Knowing which tasks are priority will help keep your project running more efficiently by ensuring these items are taken care of in a timely manner.

You should also survey tools and equipment used during the renovation process to make sure they are properly stored away after use. Tools can become damaged if left outside during inclement weather and hazards can occur if routine maintenance is not taken care of properly before storage. Putting items back in designated areas will prevent unnecessary clutter from accumulating and help reduce stress once the project is complete.

Gather the Necessary Supplies and Equipment

Getting your space clean and tidy after your major renovation project is an important first step to completing the job. To make it easier, take the time to gather all of the necessary supplies like cleaning solutions, rags, sponges, gloves and a reliable mop beforehand. Along with this equipment you may need a shop vacuum or broom for larger debris, extension cords and a heavy-duty trash can for easy disposal.

Make sure to have adequate ventilation when using chemicals and set up any large fans needed ahead of time so that your post-renovation clean up is safe, efficient and thorough.

Start with Dusting and Vacuuming

Start by dusting and vacuuming to remove any remaining dirt and debris. Begin with the ceilings, walls and built-ins first, working your way down. Pay special attention to corners, crevices and hard-to-reach surfaces. You’ll likely need a ladder to get to the higher areas, so ensure you are equipped with the proper safety gear like goggles and gloves.

For vacuuming, use an attachment that can reach into small spaces, like a thin crevice tool or dusting brush. Then break out the mop for any larger surfaces that require more concentrated cleaning. Ensure you are using the right cleaning solution for each type of surface; certain products could potentially damage different materials if used improperly.

Clean the Walls and Ceilings

After the dust from major construction projects has been allowed to settle, it is time to start cleaning up excess debris and residue. Before painting, any exposed surfaces—such as walls, floors and ceilings—need to be prepared for the job. It is important to remember that dust particles can become embedded in surface areas and lead to a variety of problems should they not be removed before painting or staining commences.

In order to thoroughly clean walls and ceilings after a renovation project:

  1. Begin by washing any non-textured surfaces that have large debris buildup with a damp cloth, soft broom or a small hand held vacuum.
  2. Follow up with more detailed vacuuming of corners and other tight spaces with an extension hose on your vacuum cleaner if necessary.
  3. Next use a sponge and cleaning solution appropriate for the particular surface (for example; wood on the walls). For many drywall fabrics there are solutions available in market specifically for this purpose or you may choose soap and water combined in equal parts as an effective alternative.
  4. Once you have scrubbed your surfaces, thoroughly rinse them off using warm water until no traces of dirt remain visible. Then be sure they are completely dried before beginning your painting project – using clean towels work best!
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Clean the Floors and Carpets

After completeing the major renovations, it is important to clean up after all the dust and debris which may have settled on the floors and carpets.

The first step to cleaning up a large mess is using a shop vac with a HEPA filter is to suck up any dust that may have settled in low lying areas. Be sure your vac has an adjustable suction, so you can alter it depending on whether you are trying to simply pick things up or loosen stuck-on dirt. Additionally, vacuum any soft furnishings such as curtains, cushion covers or bedding in order to get rid of residual dust particles.

Next, use either a hot water extractor or steam cleaner with an appropriate cleaning solution in order to remove stains and debris from both hard surfaces and carpets. Be sure to vacuum and then pre-treat any tough stains before attempting any further cleaning work. Afterwards, use a mop and bucket with cold water for further residue removal from hard surfaces such as wood or linoleum flooring.

Finally, once all floors are dry, make sure there are no ill effects from leftover particulate matter by using static protective substances over all cleaned surfaces. These will help reduce static electricity buildup thus preventing damage due to abrasion. Use specialist anti-static products for carpeted surfaces as needed in order to ensure long-term protection from dust collecting.

Clean the Windows and Doors

After a major renovation project, it is essential to properly clean windows and doors to ensure they are free of dust and debris. It is important to properly prepare the surface prior to cleaning so that you do not inadvertently damage the area or cause a potential safety hazard due to slippery surfaces.

The first step in cleaning windows and doors is to remove any covering such as blinds, curtains or tarp from the area. Then, if necessary, use a vacuum cleaner or broom-like tool with a soft bristle attachment to remove any loose dirt or dust from surfaces such as window sills, sashes, frames and door joints. An air compressor can be used on delicate surfaces.

After vacuuming the area, you can use a damp cloth or mop with an approved window cleaner to wipe down surfaces including window glass and doorframes. You must make sure that no cleaner residue remains on vertical frame sills as it can increase slipping hazards. Finally, you must use dry towels or paper towels after wiping down all vertical surfaces to ensure complete removal of liquid from these areas. When done correctly this will leave your windows and doors looking clean, safe and smudge-free!

Wipe Down Surfaces and Countertops

Once you’ve removed all of the debris from the area, it is important to wipe down every surface in order to remove any leftover dust and dirt. While you may want to start with vacuuming, consider using a wet wipe such as Clorox disinfecting wipes or mild soap and water. Make sure to pay close attention to areas that had heavy construction work, such as countertops, tabletops, and other surfaces that would have collected sawdust. The same holds true for wood surfaces including cabinets and furniture if they were part of the renovation project.

Assemble cleaning supplies including rags, buckets, and mops to clean up any liquid spillages that have occurred during the project. To make sure every surface is sanitary once more also consider using disinfectant sprays or wipes thoroughly in each room.

Disinfect the Kitchen and Bathrooms

Once any drywall, carpentry, plumbing or electrical work is completed inside your kitchen or bathrooms, it is essential to thoroughly disinfect these areas before you use them. It’s especially important to clean any surfaces that have been exposed to dust or debris during construction. You will need to use a disinfectant cleaner with a higher alcohol content of at least 60% to ensure that germs and bacteria are completely removed.

In the kitchen, start by wiping down all countertops and cupboards with a disinfectant cleaner as well as handles on cabinets and appliances. Be sure to pay special attention to crevices where dirt may have accumulated over time. Additionally, if an appliance has been removed for construction, it should be wiped down on all sides before being reinstalled in its home spot. In the bathrooms be sure to clean all sinks and fixtures in showers and tubs as well as between the tiles in flooring.

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Disinfecting these areas helps protect your family from any health hazards, so it’s important not to skip this step!

Dispose of Debris and Waste Properly

After a major renovation project, you may find yourself faced with a large amount of waste. It is important to be knowledgeable about proper disposal techniques to ensure that your undesired materials are disposed of properly and in an eco-friendly manner.

When determining how to dispose of debris and waste, first consider whether the materials can still be used or salvaged. Reusable materials such as wood scraps, metal scraps, plastic pieces and other salvageable items can be donated to local thrift stores or given away for free on websites such as Craigslist or Freecycle. This not only helps the environment by keeping reusable items out of landfills but could also help someone else who is looking for the exact item that you just had replaced.

If an item cannot be salvaged, then you will want to determine if it’s recyclable. Local recycling centers can provide information on what types of materials they accept for recycling, as well as any fees associated with dropping off rigid non-paper items such as plastic containers, cans and glass bottles. Many centers offer paper bagging services which allow homeowners to gather unwanted items in bags or boxes for a pick-up fee or fly tipping fee. Always check with your local center before preparing your debris for pick-up!

Finally, if none of these methods works for you then the final option is responsibility transporting items to a landfill facility. Call ahead and make sure that the facility accepts homeowner deposits – some locations only accept business inquiries – so that you know what materials can be accepted on site and whether there are any associated fees (e.g., weight charges). Make sure you follow all safety protocols when transporting hazardous substances like paint cans or chemical containers!

By taking the time to sort through your renovation debris thoughtfully –and responsibly– you can avoid polluting the environment while helping out someone else in need at no additional cost!

Hire Professional Post Renovation Cleaning Company if Necessary

After a major renovation project, there can be a lot of mess left in the wake of construction and the finishing touches. The dust and debris can linger for weeks after the initial work has been completed, making it difficult to enjoy your newly remodeled space. For this reason, hiring a professional post-renovation cleaning company is beneficial if you need help tackling all that comes with the job.

A professional post-renovation cleaning service can provide a thorough cleaning of your space that goes beyond just wiping down surfaces. They have the experience and expertise needed to make sure every nook and cranny is clean and free from dirt, dust, grime and other offenders that might have accumulated during the renovation process. This includes areas such as:

  • Baseboards
  • Cabinet interiors
  • Drawers
  • Fans/vents
  • Windowsills
  • Doors/frames/handles
  • Carpets
  • Upholstery

A professional cleaning company will also bring their own supplies and tools to do the job right – ensuring quality results with lasting effects.

Hiring a post-renovation cleaning company is an efficient way to restore order in your home after construction is complete. Additionally you won’t be left with a lingering headache concerning any minor details that you may have overlooked during the actual cleanup phase of your project – so let professionals handle it!


It is important to be thorough and rigorous in the cleaning process following a major renovation project. While it can be difficult and time-consuming, it’s essential to make sure your newly remodeled space is 100% clean before you begin using it again.

You may require the services of a professional cleaner to ensure everything has been covered, but if you have been diligent in your own efforts, this step can sometimes be unnecessary. Whether you choose to take on the task yourself or enlist an experienced cleaner – ensuring that your job is a success starts with proper preparation and by following these tips, you should have no problem creating a clean and beautiful living or work space for years to come!